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Case Study – BI Reporting Architecture

Client Background

A leading healthcare services organization, from the USA, was facing challenges in managing and extracting actionable insights from their vast and complex data repositories. Their Business Intelligence (BI) services infrastructure was struggling to keep pace with the increasing volume of data, leading to performance bottlenecks, lack of robustness, and inefficiencies in reporting and analytics.


Performance Issues: Slow query response times and delays in generating reports were hindering timely decision-making.

Robustness Concerns: The existing BI infrastructure lacked robustness, leading to occasional system failures and data integrity issues.

Architectural Limitations: The architecture of the BI services was outdated and could not efficiently handle the growing diversity of data sources.

Engagement with KeenExpert

The USA-based organization engaged KeenExpert, a specialized consulting firm known for its expertise in Data analysis, visualization, and other related services. The KeenExpert team immediately engaged and conducted a comprehensive assessment of the existing system and identified key areas for improvement.

Solution Highlights

Performance Optimization

  • Implemented query optimization techniques to enhance database performance.
  • Introduced in-memory processing for frequently accessed data to reduce query response times.
  • Utilized caching mechanisms to accelerate report generation.

Robustness Enhancement

  • We conducted a thorough review of the existing infrastructure to identify and address vulnerabilities.
  • Implemented data validation and cleansing processes to improve data integrity.
  • Established a robust backup and recovery system to ensure business continuity.

Architectural Review and Upgrades

  • Eliminated the single monolithic approach for data visualization.
  • Shifted the load to the database and kept the BI platform lightweight in terms of processing.
  • Reworked data pipelines to ensure a smooth and secure flow of data.

User Training and Support

  • Provided comprehensive training to end-users on the new features and functionalities of the upgraded BI system.
  • Established a dedicated support system to address user queries and issues promptly.


Performance Improvement

Query response times were reduced by 60%, enabling faster decision-making. Reports were generated in real-time, improving operational efficiency.

Enhanced Robustness

System failures were reduced by 40%, leading to improved reliability. Data integrity concerns were addressed, ensuring the accuracy of analytics.

Architectural Modernization

These efforts resulted in improved scalability and provided flexibility for future enhancements.

Security Compliance

Strengthened security measures and ensured compliance with healthcare data regulations.
Protected patient data from potential security threats.


KeenExpert’s strategic intervention not only addressed the immediate challenges faced by the client but also positioned them for future growth and scalability. The healthcare organization now has a robust, high-performing, and secure BI services infrastructure, empowering them to derive meaningful insights for better patient care and operational excellence.



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